
Showing posts from April 11, 2010

My first days as a wireless iPad User

The iPad, well hmm so far I must admit and my experience has been limited, the thing is a beautiful indulgent lovely digital toy. Now if your thing is having the latest greatest gadget or being the coolest kid on the block this baby is for you. Me….I’m a little more practical. And no kidding you can see where this thing is going. Say good bye to the printed newspaper or magazine, as the newspaper experience really is wonderful. Big sexy clickable pictures….very nice. Sliding page turns…good. The whole back light while reading conversation has yet to be played out so we shall see.   The primary and as far as I can tell only really big drawback right now is the wireless situation, which for me is out-of–control. Granted I have had an extremely unusually unwired week in that I have been in long client meetings in office parks in the suburbs of Chicago.   And then planes, trains and automobiles, while traveling for work, to finally get to shooting on get this…an unwired sound stage in LA