
Showing posts from February 18, 2007

Saturday Night in the Snow

It's so weird to have a blog. For one thing I never get to write in it. For another when I look back and read what I just read I want to delete sounds so pompous and high handed, so forgive me, I really must try harder... So I am still slogging through Howard Zinn's People's History, one friend told me about a sort of 'highlights' of Zinn book that really might be easier. The thing is this really is a very good book but I gotta take it in small pieces because it really is a record of one small group of assholes oppressing a large group of less well armed/informed/organized group of others...kind of depressing. I read this book and I really start to think that ever since there was like 2 people and 1 spoon someone had to hit someone else over the head with a rock to get the spoon. Oh and then I read about the Crusades, wow, pretty much blasted any shred of Christianity I was hanging onto for old times sake, right straight out of about peopl