
Showing posts from October 21, 2007

Multitasking is not working

I haven't written in this blog for quite awhile. There simply is not enough time. My digital life while deeply amusing is definitely getting a little out of control. I Stumble, which informs my delicious which I have yet to connect to my Facebook, so I took down my My Space Page, which was only getting spammed by people who wanted to be "friends" with Mom's anyway and don't get me started on Twitter...which is all in addition to checking the Ad sites and the politco sites and the news sites and of course one of my favorite sites Digg, why I barely have time to watch my favorite sci-fi videos on Afterworld and I do want to know why Robert is the last man on earth. Even as I write I am trying to type this while Lila my 1 year old is trying to figure out how it works, she just hit F11, which on a Mac is, i forget what it's called but I call it, Clear Your Desk Now! all the open windows hide. The thing is...and the thing we can do is to stop...just a little bit. I