Barack Obama wins presidential election!

Barack Obama wins the election.

I believe you have to believe to make this statement come true. I believe you can't half-step, hold back or even prepare yourself for the worst. We must truly unabashedly, 100% committed-ly believe Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States of America. This election will not be won by Obama, in half measures. This election can only be won if we all commit. This election can be won if we all talk, and post and read and support. This election can be won if we try.

Holding back doesn't mean you won't get hurt, it simply means you have chosen not to fully express your love, commitment, power and strength. And we need it. We need every single Obama supporter to believe.

I love this country. In the face of all that has transpired over the last eight years and more, I am reminded that is the people who won a woman's right to vote. It was the everyday citizen who marched in Selma and boycotted buses in Montgomery Alabama. And we have a chance here now to go for it again. It's not a silver bullet, but it is by and large going to make a hugely positive impact on the lives of so many ordinary Americans. We must absolutely take Barack to the White House in November.

Imagine all the people who this win could positively effect, city school kids who suddenly have this larger than life role model, lawyers for a cause who may have almost given up, the middle man and woman whose voice has finally been heard, the racist who must now face the truth about his false construct, the people on the other side of the world who will begin to look to America with pride and respect again.

One brave and crazy thing you can do is to really believe Barack Obama will become the next President of the United States of America.

with love,


Totally. Words are powerful and we can speak it into existence!

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